Importance Of Yoga Philosophy in Daily Life

Yoga is that practice that helps in creating harmony between your minds. Spirit and body to live a very peaceful life. Yoga has several attributes for which you don't have to be a yogi to reap the benefits. No matter what your age is, yoga possesses the power to calm down your mind and increase the strength of your body.

During ancient times, various Hindu yogis were practicing some of the challenging yoga asanas for achieving Moksha. Yoga has again increased in popularity, and several practitioners are now practicing yoga poses like Hatha yoga, vinyasa yoga, and Ashtanga Yoga for attaining liberation. All yoga teacher training in Rishikesh includes all these attributes.

Suppose you want to reunite your body, mind and spirit. In that case, it is essential to properly understand the philosophical attribute of yoga for practicing various yoga asanas to achieve Moksha. Yoga philosophy which is called yoga is counted among the six primary darshans or orthodox schools of Hinduism. Even though information about the origin of yoga philosophy is not clear, its initial references can be found in the Upanishads.

Yoga is dualist philosophy that works with two kinds of fundamental realities.

  • Purusha which means pure consciousness 
  • Prakriti, which means matter.

All living being is a form of connection between these two realities, and they are considered a union between your body and mind. The path of yoga is often guided by ethical principles such as yamas and niyamas and leads to Moksha or spiritual liberation.

Yoga philosophy is in close association with the other six schools of Hinduism, Samkhya. But one different thing is yoga accepts the concept of God, which Patanjali well describes as Ishvara. Some scholars often describe yoga philosophy as " Samkhya with God." While, as per Samkhya, knowledge is the path to Moksha, yoga depicts that it must be combined with systematic practices or personal scrutinization.

Five principles of yoga principles

The philosophy of yoga depends on five principles. These five principles offer guidelines to their followers and also act as a way of life. These principles are vital, and everybody practicing yoga should know, have a proper understanding and act as per these five principles. The main purpose of these five principles is to serve as guidance and limit for yoga practitioners.

Have a look at short details of 5 principles which is a part of yoga philosophy:

  • Asanas: It is the first principle of yoga philosophy that talks about asanas and their importance. This says that exercise is something that your body needs. Proper asanas not only help in strengthening your body but also makes it highly flexible.
  • Pranayama: It is nothing but a proper way of breathing. All living beings breathe air, and without breathing, there is nothing. This principle teaches how to carry out breathe in and breathe out. 
  • Sava Sana: It means taking rest and relaxing your mind, body and soul. This yoga philosophy teaches you how to relax your body, soul and mind. It brings in positivity and eliminates negativity.
  • Diet: This is the fourth principle of yoga philosophy which says that you will not get the benefits of yoga if you do not eat healthy, vegetarian and green. Your diet determines the mind and soul direction. 
  • Proper thinking and meditation: This emphasizes why you should think positively and avoid all kinds of negative thoughts. Positive thinking assists you in keeping tensions away and feeling relaxed.

Now, if you are thinking about learning yoga philosophy, you should know several yoga teacher training certification courses offer you knowledge on yoga philosophy. You can easily learn about the common basics of yoga philosophy and how it helps perfect our life. 

Why is yoga philosophy important?

There are a few reasons that show the importance of yoga philosophy:

  • It helps magnify the benefits of physical practices: By knowing about yoga philosophy, you will know about practices and concepts that you can apply within asana practices.
  • It assists your state of mind: One major thing that yoga philosophy highlights are meditation and your mental or spiritual well-being. By learning yoga philosophy, you can learn about how and why meditation works. You can also explore several approaches to meditation and find out which of the technique resonates best with you.
  • It boasts culturally sensitive yoga practices: As yoga practitioners, most of us follow the ahimsa concept, which is one of the self-regulated behaviors offered in yoga sutras. As modern people, we need to create a society where every person and culture should be respected. When you are practicing yoga, you might have noticed several aspects of Indian culture that have been commodified within yoga. Studying yoga philosophy helps in grounding our practices, enabling us to understand and respect where these practices have come from.


The six philosophies now play an important role in removing pain and suffering while [practicing yoga. They are the real pathfinders and help you have a proper understanding of the real meaning of life. This is the reason why yoga philosophy is important in gaining liberation.


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